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OpenFeature providers

Read time: 1 minute
Last edited: Jul 30, 2024

This category contains documentation topics describing the LaunchDarkly OpenFeature providers.

OpenFeature is an open specification that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging. Within OpenFeature, providers are responsible for performing flag evaluations. To learn more, reference the OpenFeature documentation.

LaunchDarkly offers OpenFeature providers for several of our SDKs. You can use these providers in your application in place of a LaunchDarkly SDK.

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Additional resources

OpenFeature ProviderSample applicationProvider API documentationGitHub repository
.NET (server-side)Sample OpenFeature .NET provider applicationOpenFeature .NET provider API docsLaunchDarkly OpenFeature provider for .NET (server-side) SDK
JavaSample OpenFeature Java provider applicationOpenFeature Java provider API docsLaunchDarkly OpenFeature provider for Java SDK
Node.js (server-side)Sample OpenFeature Node.js provider applicationOpenFeature Node.js provider API docsLaunchDarkly OpenFeature provider for Node.js (server-side) SDK
PHPSample OpenFeature PHP provider applicationOpenFeature PHP provider API docsLaunchDarkly OpenFeature provider for PHP SDK