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Required comments

Read time: 3 minutes
Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
Required comments is an Enterprise feature

Required comments is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, contact Sales.


This topic explains how to use required comments for feature flag changes.

Comments help establish a change history for a feature flag. Requiring members to leave comments when they change flags or segments helps your organization understand why flags or segments look and behave certain ways.

Required comments are only enforced from the user interface

When Require comments is enabled, members must leave a comment to explain their changes when they make changes from the flags list or the segments list in the LaunchDarkly user interface (UI). Comments are not required for changes made with the LaunchDarkly API.

When you require comments in an environment, members must leave a comment when saving any changes to a flag:

The "Save changes" dialog with the "Comment" field called out.
The "Save changes" dialog with the "Comment" field called out.

Require comments

To require comments on flag changes in a new environment:

  1. Click the project dropdown. The project menu appears:
The project menu.
The project menu.
  1. Select Environments. The Environments list appears.
  2. Click Create environment. The "Create an environment" panel appears.
  3. Give your environment a human-readable Name.
  4. Select the Require comments for flag and segment changes checkbox:
The "Create an environment" panel with the "Require comments" checkbox called out.
The "Create an environment" panel with the "Require comments" checkbox called out.

  1. Click Create environment.

To learn more, read Create environments and Environment settings.

To require comments in an existing environment:

  1. Click the project dropdown. The project menu appears:
The project menu.
The project menu.
  1. Select Environments. The Environments list appears.
  2. Next to the environment you want to edit, click the overflow menu and choose Edit environment. The Edit environment panel appears:
The environment overflow menu with the "Edit environment" option called out.
The environment overflow menu with the "Edit environment" option called out.
  1. Select the Require comments for flag and segment changes checkbox.
  2. Click Save environment.

Comments on flag changes are now required for your environment.