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Other flag settings

Read time: 8 minutes
Last edited: May 01, 2024


This topic explains how to edit a feature flag's environment-specific settings and settings for all environments.

A feature flag's Settings tab lets you change that flag's settings, including the name and description of the flag. Some settings apply only to the currently selected environment, while others apply across all environments. You can also clone or archive a flag from this tab.

Changes you make to a flag's settings do not apply to other flags, even if they share the same template as the flag you modify. To learn more, read Flag templates.

Environment-specific settings

Data Export settings, the flag's bucketing salt, and migration consistency check settings are specific to the current environment. Not all of these settings are available for all flags.

Here is an image of the settings for the current environment on the flag's Settings tab:

The settings for the current environment, "Production," on the flag's "Settings" tab.
The settings for the current environment, "Production," on the flag's "Settings" tab.

Sending detailed event information to Data Export destinations

If you use Data Export, by default LaunchDarkly summarizes flag evaluation events to minimize data use, and limits events transmission to 100 MBps. If you want to send more detailed information instead, you can enable sending detailed events to Data Export destinations. You can adjust this setting for each environment in the project.

To learn more, read Data Export.

Changing the consistency check ratio for migrations

This field lets you adjust how frequently LaunchDarkly checks for differences between old and new data sources during migrations. It defaults to 1, which means it runs for every invocation where the old and new systems run simultaneously.

To learn more, read Migration flags.

Changing flag targeting remotely with triggers

Flag triggers let you make changes to flag targeting remotely from a third-party application, such as an application performance monitoring (APM) tool. You can use triggers to turn flag targeting on or off. You can enable flag triggers for each environment in the project.

To learn more, read Flag triggers.

Settings for all environments

The majority of flag settings apply to all environments.


The flag maintainer is the account member who is primarily responsible for the flag. By default, the maintainer is set to the member who created the flag, but you can assign any member of your team as the maintainer for a particular flag.

Enterprise customers using Teams can assign a team as the flag's maintainer. This offers the additional benefit of shared accountability and also ensures that if one member leaves the team, the flag still has other maintainers.

You can update the flag's maintainer on the flag's Settings tab. You can also update the maintainer by clicking the arrow icon from the header of any of the flag's tabs, and then clicking the pencil icon next to the maintainer:

The flag's maintainer and pencil "edit" icon.
The flag's maintainer and pencil "edit" icon.

Name and description

You can change the flag's name and description as needed. The description can include Markdown and inline Confluence links. To learn more about the LaunchDarkly's integration with Confluence, read Confluence embedded pages.

Flag keys are permanent

In addition to the descriptors, every flag has a unique key which you set during flag creation. Be thoughtful when you create a new flag key. You cannot change it after you save the flag.


Tags are labels that help you categorize flags. They're especially helpful for managing flag permissions with custom roles. For example, you can tag flags with marketing flags or devOps tags, and then use these tags to determine who has read or write access for the flag. To learn more, read Tags.

Permanent flags

You can mark flags permanent if they're intended to exist in your codebase long-term, for example, a flag that enables a site-wide maintenance mode. LaunchDarkly does not prompt you to remove permanent flags, even if one variation has been rolled out to your entire user base. In addition, when someone attempts to remove a permanent flag, they receive a warning about the flag's permanent status.

Client-side SDK availability

If you're using a client-side or mobile SDK, you must expose your feature flags for the client-side or mobile SDKs to evaluate them. To learn more, read Make flags available to client-side and mobile SDKs.

Custom properties

You can use custom properties to connect individual flags to some LaunchDarkly integrations. To learn more, read Custom properties.

Clone a flag

You can create new flags by cloning existing flags. When you clone a flag, LaunchDarkly makes a new flag and copies the original flag's targeting configuration for all environments. To learn more, read Clone flags.

Deprecate a flag

You can deprecate a flag to mark it as not ready to be archived or deleted, but are no longer actively supported by your organization.

Archive a flag

You can archive a flag if you want to retire it from LaunchDarkly without deleting it. Archived flags are archived across all environments. To learn more, read Archive flags.