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Managing sessions

Read time: 2 minutes
Last edited: Jan 02, 2024


This topic explains how session duration settings work in LaunchDarkly, and how to configure them based on your security policies. Session duration specifies how long an account member stays logged in to their account without visiting LaunchDarkly.

LaunchDarkly offers administrators a set of controls to manage how long account members stay logged in to their account, and how often they need to re-authenticate. You can also reset sessions for everyone in your organization, forcing them to re-authenticate the next time they access LaunchDarkly.

Configuring session length

Session timeout controls are in the Security tab, in the "Session configuration" section.

To change session length:

  1. Navigate to the Account settings page.
  2. Click into the Security tab and scroll to the "Session configuration" section:
Session configuration options.
Session configuration options.
  1. In the Session duration fields, enter a number and choose a unit for the session length.
  2. (Optional) Check the Refresh sessions automatically checkbox to reset the session start time every time an account member accesses LaunchDarkly.
  3. Click Save.

Revoking all sessions

You can force all the members of an organization to re-authenticate at once from the Security tab.

To reset all sessions:

  1. Navigate to the Account settings page.
  2. Click into the Security tab and scroll to the "Revoke all sessions" section.
  3. Click Revoke all sessions.
Resetting all sessions also resets yours

If you reset all sessions for your organization's account members, your session will also be reset. You will log out and have to re-authenticate.