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Snowflake schema reference

Read time: 2 minutes
Last edited: May 01, 2024


This topic explains the different event kinds for Snowflake Data Export destinations. The schemas for Snowflake are formatted differently than LaunchDarkly's other integrations.

To learn more about the Snowflake destination, read Snowflake's documentation.

Snowflake Data Export destinations only support feature events. A feature event is emitted when a feature flag connected to an experiment is evaluated.

Additional properties

Snowflake events include additional information about different LaunchDarkly properties. These properties are included in all event kinds.

These properties are:

Property nameProperty details
eventThe event kind. This field maps onto Snowflake's event field.
environmentThe LaunchDarkly environment ID, also called the client-side ID, corresponding to the event.
projectThe LaunchDarkly project ID corresponding to the event.
keyThe flag key corresponding to the event.
snowflakeAccountIdThe account locator of the snowflake account associated with the emitted event. This is the key you provided when you set up the destination.

Feature events

Each row in the exported data represents an (event, context) tuple. If you're using multi-contexts, you'll see one row for each context within your multi-context for each event.

This table explains feature event properties:

Property nameDescription
idThe uuid of the evaluation event.
contextKindThe kind of the context that the flag was evaluated for.
contextKeyThe key of the context that the flag was evaluated for.
variationIndexThe variation of the flag requested. The SDK stores flag variation values in an array. This value corresponds to the index of the variation the array. Boolean flags show as 0 or 1 for true and false. For other flags, the array index starts at 0 for the different variations.
variationValueThe value of the variation that was served.
variationNameThe evaluated variation's name, if it exists. If the evaluated variation doesn't have a name, this field doesn't appear.
timestampThe time the evaluation event occurred.