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Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
Teams is an Enterprise feature

Teams is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, contact Sales.


This category contains documentation topics about how to set up and manage teams within your LaunchDarkly organization. A team is a group of members of your LaunchDarkly account.

In these topics, you can learn how to create teams in LaunchDarkly, add and remove members of your organization to teams, and use custom roles to give teams specific permissions and access to different parts of LaunchDarkly.

You can also request reviews from teams on flag change approval requests. To learn more, read Approvals.

To learn more about best practices for how to start using teams, read Building teams in LaunchDarkly.

You can also sync groups from your IdP to teams within your account. To learn more, read about team sync with SCIM.

You can also use the REST API: Teams

Teams in LaunchDarkly

Teams are groups of your organization's members. A LaunchDarkly account administrator can give specific permissions to teams using custom roles. Custom roles let team members perform actions on different resources, such as projects or flags. To learn more, read Custom roles.

Large organizations often need to set up fine-grained access rules and give those permissions to specific groups of people. Assigning permissions to groups of people in an organization can help make consistent security or general workflow processes. In LaunchDarkly, teams are the mechanism for enterprise organizations to do that efficiently.

A team is primarily made up of three collections of data:

  • A list of the members of the larger organization who are on that team.
  • A list of the permissions that the team's members have.
  • A list of the team maintainers of the larger organization who manage the team.

With teams you can:

  • Easily give new members in your organization a set of custom roles by adding them to an existing team.
  • Control environment permissions at the group level, rather than individually assigning an environment's access privileges to members.
  • Map permissions in LaunchDarkly to your organizational structure. For example, you can give mobile flag permissions to the mobile team and desktop flag permissions to the desktop team, or give all organization members access to the staging environment, but only people on a particular team permissions to control flags on production.

Team maintainers

Team maintainers can manage teams in various ways. An account administrator or a current team maintainer can assign new team maintainers to assist in team management.

Team maintainers can:

  • Update the name of the team
  • Update the description of the team
  • Add and remove members from the team
  • Add and remove other team maintainers from the team

Team maintainers cannot:

  • Manage the custom roles for a team
  • Inherit permissions granted by a team's custom roles, unless they are also a member of that team

Adding someone as a team maintainer does not automatically make them a member of that team.

How team roles interact with individual member roles

Every organization using LaunchDarkly is made up of members. Members are people who work for your organization or use your organization's LaunchDarkly account. Every member must be individually assigned either one of LaunchDarkly's built-in roles or a custom role. To learn more, read Built-in roles and Custom roles.

Organizations use custom roles to gain more precise control over their feature flags, experiments, or LaunchDarkly administration. Custom roles are the granular permission scopes that an administrator can set up for their organization. An individual member may have a custom role. To learn more, read Custom roles.

If a member belongs to one or more teams, a member's roles, which includes either a built-in role or custom roles, will aggregate with the custom roles that are applied to their teams. Adding a member with a built-in Admin role will not affect their permissions. Those roles can perform all actions in LaunchDarkly.

A team can have one or more custom roles assigned to it. In cases where a team's custom roles have conflicting permission levels, or a team's custom role has conflicting permission levels with the permissions assigned to a member of that team, the more permissive set of permissions will be applied. For example, if a team has one custom role that allows access to a resource, and a member of that team has another custom role that restricts access to a resource, the team member will be able to access that resource.