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Workflow templates

Read time: 3 minutes
Last edited: May 01, 2024
Workflow templates is an Enterprise feature

Workflow templates is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, contact Sales.


This topic explains how to create and use workflow templates to automate your rollouts at scale. It describes how to save workflows as templates that can be reused with other flags.

About workflow templates

If your organization follows a standard procedure for rolling out feature flags, you can turn your custom workflow into a template so other account members can use it. Workflow templates are saved versions of workflows that you can apply and use with any flags in your account.

How workflow templates are applied across flags

You can apply workflow templates to any flag in any environment or project, regardless of which environment or project you create them in.

When you apply a template to a different flag or environment from where it was created, any environment or flag specific pieces of the workflow, such as variations, segments, or contexts are cleared. LaunchDarkly prompts you to fill in these blanks with appropriate values for the new flag and environment.

Save a workflow as a template

Here is how to save a workflow as a template:

  1. Navigate to a feature flag.
  2. Click Manage workflows in the right sidebar.
  3. Click Custom build.
  4. Build the workflow with the steps that you’d like each flag to follow.
  5. Click Save as template.
  6. Give the template a name, a key, and add an optional description. Then click Next.
  7. Click Start workflow if you would also like to run the workflow on the flag.

Apply templates to flags

Here is how to apply a template to a flag:

  1. Navigate to a feature flag.
  2. Click Manage workflows in the right sidebar.
  3. Click Existing template.
  4. Search for the template that you would like to use on the feature flag.
  5. Review the workflow and enter any missing details.
  6. Click Start workflow to begin the workflow.

Delete templates

Templates can only be deleted through the API.

Use the REST API: Delete workflow template