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Last edited: May 01, 2024


This topic explains what projects are in LaunchDarkly, and how you can use them to manage different priorities, teams, and tasks across your organization.

About projects

Projects let you manage multiple different business objectives from one LaunchDarkly account. For example, you can create one project called "Mobile App" and another project called "Web App." Every project has its own unique set of environments and feature flags.

Environments are organizational units contained within a project. To learn more, read Environments.

Set up a project to serve one set of end users. Sorting your flags into related chunks of functionality based on their impact on end users helps you logically organize related flags.

A common pattern is to map each project in your LaunchDarkly instance to a specific product your company makes. For example, a mobile application, web app, and back-end services that are presented to a customer as one product might all fit in one project because they likely will share most flags. To learn about other common patterns for mapping your architecture with LaunchDarkly, read Implementing LaunchDarkly Project Architecture Best Practices.

Creating private projects

You can restrict who has access to a project with LaunchDarkly's custom roles feature. To learn more, read Configuring private projects with custom roles.

Here is a diagram of two example projects, "Web App" and "Mobile App":

A visual representation of two projects, "Web App" and "Mobile App," each of which have multiple environments.
A visual representation of two projects, "Web App" and "Mobile App," each of which have multiple environments.

Customers on a Pro or Enterprise plan have access to 300 projects per account by default. Customers on a Starter plan have access to one project. To request an increase to your project limit, contact Support.

Projects and environments

You can create multiple environments within each project. All projects must have at least one environment.

Environments allow you to manage your feature flags throughout your entire development lifecycle, from local development through production. Typical environments within a project could be Production, QA, Staging, or individual environments.

You can open environments using the quick search bar

You can quickly open specific environments using the quick search bar and the environment's key or SDK key. To learn how, read Open environments.

To learn more, read Environments.

Create projects

When you first create your LaunchDarkly account, you start with a Default project, and all account members in your account have access to every project within your account by default. Your current project is visible in the top of the sidenav. You must always have at least one project.

To create a new project:

  1. Navigate to the Account settings page.
  2. Click the Projects tab.
  3. Click Create project. The "Create a project" panel appears.
  4. Give your project a human-readable Name.
  5. (Optional) Give your project a unique Key. This field populates automatically based on your name, but you can change it now if you wish.
Project keys are permanent after you save them

After you save the project key, you cannot modify it. You can change a project's name, however, whenever you want.

  1. (Optional) Assign Tags to your project.
  2. Click Create project. The new project appears in the Account settings page:
The "Create a project" panel.
The "Create a project" panel.

You can also use the REST API: Create project

Delete projects

You can delete a project when you are no longer using it. Delete with caution, as deleting a project is permanent and also deletes all of the environments and flags within it.

To delete a project:

  1. Navigate to the Account settings page.
  2. Click the Projects tab.
  3. Click the name of the project you want to delete.
  4. Click into the Settings tab.
  5. Click Delete project. A "Delete project?" dialog appears.
  6. Enter the name or key of your project in the Confirm field.
  7. Click Delete.

Your project is now deleted.

You can also use the REST API: Delete project