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Context attributes

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Last edited: Jun 07, 2024


This topic explains what context attributes are, how to configure them, and how LaunchDarkly uses them to calculate and display flag settings for your customers.

Some SDKs still use user attributes

Some LaunchDarkly SDKs do not yet support context-based feature flagging. Instead, they rely on legacy user objects.

To learn which SDKs are available to use with contexts, read SDKs. To learn more about upgrading to contexts, read Best practices for upgrading users to contexts.

About context attributes

Contexts are people, services, machines, or other resources that encounter feature flags in your product.

Each context has a context kind that you can use to categorize context instances for targeting and Experimentation. For example, you may know:

  • the username, first name, last name, and email address of a person. You might include these context attributes in contexts with a "user" context kind.
  • the size, region, and location of an office. You might include these context attributes in contexts with an "organization" context kind.
  • the configuration details of an environment. You might include these attributes in contexts with a "device" context kind.

To learn more, read Context kinds.

A more precise way to refer to a context when you are using it to evaluate a feature flag is an "evaluation context." An evaluation context is the object that the SDK uses to evaluate a feature flag. It can contain a single context or a multi-context. It includes all of the information about a context that LaunchDarkly can use for a feature flag evaluation. To learn more, read Contexts.

By default, the Contexts list displays a context's attribute values. If you mark a context attribute as private within your SDK, it will not display in the LaunchDarkly user interface (UI) but you can still use it in flag evaluations. To learn more, read Use private context attributes.


When you evaluate a feature flag within your application, the flag's targeting rules use information from one or more kinds of contexts. For example, you might evaluate a flag using only the "user" context. Or you might evaluate a flag using both the "user" context and the "device" context simultaneously. We refer to this kind of evaluation as a multi-context.

This illustration shows a flag evaluating two multi-contexts:

Two multi-contexts with three contexts each of "user," "organization," and "location."
Two multi-contexts with three contexts each of "user," "organization," and "location."

Target based on context attributes

You can use context attributes in targeting rules for flags and segments. For example, imagine you want a flag to serve the Enabled variation to user contexts that have a plan type of Beta tester and are in the segment example segment.

Here is an example of that rule:

A rule with two conditions.
A rule with two conditions.

After you have set up the conditions for your rule, you can decide to roll out one variation to all your contexts, or do a percentage rollout across several variations. To learn more, read Target with flags.

View and manage contexts

By default, SDKs send all of a context's attributes to LaunchDarkly. This data lets LaunchDarkly determine the expected flag variations for contexts and powers the autocomplete functionality throughout the LaunchDarkly UI. You can change the value of an attribute for a context at any time.

You can access context detail pages from the Contexts list. To learn how, read The Contexts list.

Here is a context details page in the LaunchDarkly UI:

A context's details page.
A context's details page.
The SDK does not use the attributes in the Contexts list to evaluate flags

The SDK only evaluates flags based on the evaluation context you provide in the evaluation call. The SDK does not use the attributes shown on the Contexts list, and context attributes are not synchronized across SDK instances. You must provide all applicable context attributes for your targeting rules to apply correctly. To learn more, read Evaluating flags.

Use private context attributes

You may not want to send all attributes back to, or store all attributes in, LaunchDarkly. The security or data protection requirements of your organization may require you to limit what customer data is transmitted to or stored within a third-party platform like LaunchDarkly. For example, you may want to target customers by their personally identifiable information (PII), such as their email address. You can mark the email address attribute as private, but still use it in targeting rules and segments.

You can't mark attributes as private from within the LaunchDarkly UI. Instead, you must configure them within your SDK.

Configure private attribute settings in your SDK

There are multiple ways you can mark attributes as private:

  • You can mark an attribute as private across all contexts of any context kind. You might use this if you want to ensure that an "email" attribute is never sent to LaunchDarkly, no matter whether it occurs in a user context, an organization context, or something else.
  • You can mark an attribute as private within a particular context or context kind. You might use this if you want an "email" attribute to be private in a user context, but not in an organization context.
  • You can mark some portions of an attribute as private. For example, if you have one attribute for address, you could mark the "street" field of the address attribute as private, but not the "city" field. You can still use all parts of the address in targeting rules, but only the city would appear in the LaunchDarkly UI.

On the context details page, private attributes appear under a _meta section. The values of these attributes are not displayed.

Here is a context details page that includes private attributes:

The "Attributes" section of the context details page, showing private attributes in a "_meta" section.
The "Attributes" section of the context details page, showing private attributes in a "_meta" section.

Configure your SDK: Private attributes

Implications of using private attributes

If a feature flag contains targeting rules that reference private attributes, context pages may not be able to calculate flag settings for your contexts. Each context page indicates when it is unable to calculate flag settings because of private attributes.

When creating a targeting rule, LaunchDarkly cannot autocomplete attributes you have made private.