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Manage account members

Read time: 5 minutes
Last edited: May 01, 2024


This topic explains how to set up and manage the people who use your LaunchDarkly project. This includes how to set up your organization in LaunchDarkly, how to change who controls your LaunchDarkly account, and what built-in roles LaunchDarkly offers for account members. You can also learn about LaunchDarkly's custom roles feature, which lets you create roles with precise permissions and access to different aspects of LaunchDarkly.

Account members are people who work at your organization or have access rights to your organization's LaunchDarkly environment for another reason, such as contractors or part-time employees. To learn more, read LaunchDarkly account members.

About LaunchDarkly's role types

Account members are assigned member roles. LaunchDarkly has two types of member roles. They are:

  • Built-in roles
  • Custom roles

Each account member must have at least one role. Members can have both built-in roles and custom roles. If you manage your members with LaunchDarkly teams, a member's roles will aggregate with the custom roles that are applied to their teams. To learn more, read Teams.

Built-in roles

Every LaunchDarkly account has four built-in roles. They are:

  • Reader
  • Writer
  • Admin
  • Owner

Customers on an Enterprise plan also have a restricted No access role.

To learn more, read LaunchDarkly's built-in roles.

Custom roles

In addition to built-in roles, customers on an Enterprise plan can optionally configure custom roles. Custom roles are sets of permissions that give members or teams extremely precise access to different resources in LaunchDarkly, as well as the ability to perform only certain actions in your LaunchDarkly account. To learn more, read Custom roles.

How built-in roles interact with custom roles

You can give account members granular control to LaunchDarkly using custom roles. Custom roles let you define specific permissions for members or teams and apply them across your organization. Custom roles can increase the permissions given to a built-in role.

This is useful if you have members with multiple jobs, such as someone who needs access to flags controlled by an engineering team and the support team, or product managers who also code.

View individual member roles

To view an individual member's roles:

  1. Navigate to Account settings and click into the Members tab.
  2. Click the name of the member you want to view. The member's Permissions page opens.
  3. View the member's individually assigned built-in and custom roles in the "Member roles" section.
  4. (Optional) View the roles granted to that member by teams they belong to in the "Team roles" section.

Change individual member roles

To change an individual member's roles:

  1. Navigate to Account settings and click into the Members tab.
  2. Click the name of the member whose roles you want to change. The member's Permissions page opens.
  3. Click Edit member roles.
  4. Select the built-in role to assign to this member. Alternatively, select Custom. From the menu, choose all the custom roles to assign to the member.
A member's Edit role menu.
A member's Edit role menu.
  1. Click Save role.

To change an individual member's roles:

  1. Click the gear icon in the left sidenav to view Organization settings.
  2. Click Members. The Members list appears.
  3. Click the name of the member whose roles you want to change. An "Edit member roles" dialog appears.
  4. Select the built-in role to assign to this member. Alternatively, select Custom. From the menu, choose all the custom roles to assign to the member.
A member's Edit role menu.
A member's Edit role menu.
  1. Click Save role.

Change multiple members' roles

Changing multiple members' roles is an Admin-only feature

This feature is only accessible if you're a LaunchDarkly Admin or Owner, or have a custom role that allows the updateCustomRole action. To learn more, read About member roles and Member actions.

To change multiple members' roles:

  1. Navigate to Account settings and click into the Members tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of a member's name to choose that member. Select all members whose roles you wish to edit. Alternatively, if you wish to select all the members, click the checkbox next to the Name column in the table.
  3. Next to the Export CSV button, another button appears that says Edit X members, where X is the number of members that you selected:
The "Edit X members" button.
The "Edit X members" button.
  1. Click the Edit X members button and select the "Edit member roles" option. A menu appears.
The "Edit member roles" option
The "Edit member roles" option
  1. Select one of the built-in roles or any existing custom role and click Replace role(s). LaunchDarkly attempts to replace any of the roles on the members that you selected to the new role(s). Roles that have been assigned at the team level do not change.

When you select all members, the number of members may not match the number of members that appears at the top of the Members tab. This happens because you cannot perform bulk edit actions on yourself or the owner of the account.

You can also use the REST API: Account members